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Placenta Remedies

Encapsulation (pills) and way more!

Why are placenta remedies so great?

Most mammals consume their placenta and there are many theories about why, some say it is what is natural for us and great for our health, some say other mammals do it just to clean up. No matter the reason, those who consume their placenta regularly shout about its benefits. Anecdotal evidence is when lots of people talk about a benefit but it is not scientifically proven. There is a huge amount of anecdotal evidence for placenta consumption, the most common benefits being: increased milk supply, increased energy levels, quicker recovery after birth, reduced rates of baby blues and postnatal depression, reduction in hair loss and skin issues after birth. There also a growing amount of scientific research in to placenta consumption. I recommend this website for more info:

Image by Daily Nouri
Image by Tissa O’Grady


Placenta pills are the most well known way to consume the placenta. It is easy to do if you are a bit grossed out by the idea of it all and they last 6 months so you have plenty of time to use them. I favour the raw method of dehydration as you get the most benefits this way, however I do offer the steamed method in some circumstances or if you feel this would suit you better as some people find the steamed method is best for those who have anxiety of a history of postnatal depression.


Smoothies are an amazing way to consume your placenta as it is raw and unprocessed. You can have a smoothie and then encapsulate the rest, or I can make the whole placenta in to smoothie packs ready for you chuck in the blender whenever you need them.

Tasty Smoothie
Bottles of Essential Oil
Bottles of Essential Oil


A tincture is the best way to harness the benefits of your placenta long term. A tincture can last forever! It is a wonderful way to balance your hormones, many people use them around their bleed time and they can be saved for menopause to help you feel balanced throughout. A tincture can be added on to an encapsulation or smoothie package but cannot be ordered on its own.

Balms and oils

I make a range of wonderful skin products with the added magical benefits of your placenta. Did you know the placenta contains stem cells? These can have the most wonderful effect on your skin, soothing damage, healing conditions such as eczema, not to mention soothing a babies bum like no other.



Q. What is the booking process?

A. Book below by clicking 'order now' then completing the form and paying the deposit. You will receive a response from me confirming your booking and if for any reason your booking cannot be accepted then I will let you know and refund your deposit. At 36 weeks you receive your collection kit with full instructions on what to do at the birth.


Q. How much does it cost?

A. If you click on the order now button below you can see all the options and costs before deciding whether you would like to order.


Q. How soon will I receive my remedies?

A. Smoothies are processed immediately at your home (both single smoothies or packs), capsules are taken back to my placenta kitchen and they go through a 2 step process that takes around 24-48h. I will deliver them back to you if local to me, or post if not​ so usually it is around 3-4 days before you get your capsules. Tinctures take 6 weeks so will be delivered at a later date separately.


Q. How long will my pills last?

A. We recommend you keep your pills in the fridge and consume them all within 6 months. 


Q. When should I not take my placenta pills?

A. You shouldn't take your pills if feeling unwell such as fever and chills. Wait until you feel better and then recommence.


Q. How often do I take my placenta pills?

A. 1-2 pills, 2-3 times a day. They are a natural remedy so you can really take whatever you feel works for you, but this is what works for most people. Many people take them less as they get further in to their postpartum journey, meaning you have them for longer and can save them for those days you really need them.


Q. How do I know my placenta won't get mixed up with someone else's?

A. I only ever process one placenta at a time so there is no risk of mix ups!


Q. Are there any reasons I might not be able to encapsulate my placenta?

A. We do not recommend consuming your placenta if you smoke, or did smoke at all past 12 weeks gestation due to build ups of cadmium which is a heavy metal. Infection is the only other real issue with placenta remedies. If your midwife thinks you have an infection in your uterus or placenta during labour then you should not continue with your placenta remedies. Sometimes a midwife may not recommend you encapsulate for another reason, but please call me before making a decision so I can make sure you have all the correct information.


Q. I am Group B Strep positive, is this an issue?

A. This is not usually an issue, many people are and don't even know! GBS is a normal bacteria in the vagina, however it can occasionally lead to infection and in those cases where you or baby are ill during or after labour you should not consume your placenta.


Q. What happens if my placenta is stained with meconium?

A. Meconium is sterile and is the first poo from all the amniotic fluid the baby swallows inside you. That being said if there is a lot of meconium staining it is recommended you do the steamed method just as an extra layer of protection. It doesn't appear to be particularly based on evidence but it is what is recommended in some countries. You make the choice.


Q. I am having a waterbirth, is this an issue?

A. Not at all! It is recommended that you birth your placenta out of the water, so after about 10 mins of cuddles you can get out of the pool, or even just stand up to birth your placenta in to a clean dish orincontinence pad (puppy pad). This is just because the pool may have your wee and poo in it also. If you accidentally birth you placenta in the pool, you make the choice of whether you want to give it a good clean before encapsulating or not continue with your remedies.


Q. What do I do with my placenta after the birth?

A. You will get sent full instructions before the birth, but your placenta is checked by your midwife and then put in the cool bag with freezer blocks (or ice can be used) within 30 mins of the placenta being birthed. It is important to get it cooling asap. If your midwife can pop it in a fridge this is even better! We don't recommend freezing the placenta before encapsulating if possible, but it can still be processed after freezing.


Q. I want to do optimal cord clamping is that ok?

A. Absolutely. As a midwife I never cut a babys cord quickly without very good reason to do so. Did you know you can even keep the cord unclamped while you birth the placenta and your midwife checks it over? As long as it is being cooled by 30 mins after coming out then it's all good.


Q. When do I pay? 

A. You pay an $80 deposit on booking and you will receive an invoice for the rest at 37 weeks. The placenta will not be collected until final payment has been made, if you birth your baby before 37 weeks an invoice will be sent to you prior to pick up, but some people are advised to send their placenta off for testing if a baby is born early. 


Q. Why do I have to pay a deposit? What if I end up not being able to use my placenta?

A. The deposit covers the slot I have given you since I can only accept so many bookings per month, it also includes the collection kit I send you and postage/fuel costs of that. I try to keep these costs as low as I can.



Feel free to ask any questions by sending me a message, or if you are ready then order your remedies now.

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